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"The reality is that you are the spirit. the rest is a myth."
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You must be knowing that I was born in Chhindwara, and Mecca and Chhindwara are on the same Cancer Line (Tropic of Cancer) – How is it?……

H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (Cabella Ligure, Italy, 25.05.1997)

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Matter can never give you joy. It's the spirit that gives you joy.

H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

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Meditation, where you are connected to the All-pervading Divinity, is the starting point in Sahaja Yoga.

H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

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you have come here (Chhindwara) to see this birthplace of Mine. It was such, such vibrations that My Sahasrara became completely jammed with vibrations.

H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Chhindwara, Madhya Pradesh, India, 18.12.1993

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About Us

Shrine Chhindwara

Shri Mataji was born as Nirmala Salve on March 21, 1923 to Shri Prasad Rao and Mrs Cornelia Salve in Chhindwara city of Madhya Pradesh. Chhindwara, located on the South-West region of ‘Satpura Range of Mountains’ lies between latitude 21″23′ and 22″49′ North and longitude 78″10′ and 79″24′ East. Mostly, dense forest covers most of the area of the district.

Sahaja Yoga

Sahaja Yoga is a method of achieving a unique state of meditation through the connection of our innate spiritual energy (Kundalini) to the all-pervading divine energy of the universe. This state, known as thoughtless awareness, makes us peaceful, balanced and integrated while improving our wellness and relationships over time.

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Self Realization Program – 12, Feb. 2024

By the divine grace of Shri Mataji, in the farewell programme of Kendriya Vidyalaya Chaurai, Chhindwara Self realization Programme is organized. Sahaja Yoga meditation was explained to all the present students and teachers.

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