The Sahaj Yogis wishing to stay in the Divine Vibrated environment of the Shrine can follow the process and register their request to stay. The provision of accommodation with 48 rooms and a dormitory is available. Food and beverage facilities like – filtered drinking water, tea or milk, breakfast, lunch, and dinner are also available.
Confirmation of stay is done on the availability of accommodation. You can also request accommodation by email or by using the contact numbers provided. The Sahaj Yogis have to fill out the attached form for accommodation availability. Which includes the proposed date of arrival, number of seekers, and length of stay, if applicable.
Further communication and confirmation will be done by e-mail only.
- Single Bed
- Double Bed
- Dormitory
- Filtered drinking water
- Tea/Milk, Breakfast
- Lunch
- Dinner
1. Shri Naresh Thatere
Mob. No. – 9406734447, 9770591077
2. Shri Niraj Lavale
Mob. No. – 9424734666